Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 16th, 2010

Quote of the Day:"I laugh, I love, I hope, I try, I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry. And I know you do the same things too. so we're really not that different, me and you." Colin Raye

The day started early once again with Sara, Jessica and I going for a walk. The red VW car was not there for our landmark, but we made it back just the same. The walks have been great with sharing more about each other. We make our daily ride to CDLN where we start the day with reading from the journal and more Spanish lessons. Myrian has us actually trying to converse and not just repeat words. We all depart and head for our respective houses. When Sara and I get to San Buenoventura we find a note on the door telling us the tutors are not there but will be back at 11am. We then go visit Barbara and Jane to check on the progress of the painting of the curb and the covering of the books. Sara sweeps the curb then we start to pick up trash that is on the ground and go back to our house and do the same. Jose, a tutor, asks for our help in pulling weeds which is a big challenge for me since I don't know a plant from a weed, but I managed not to pull out too many plants.

We decide to check on our tutors, but still do not find that they have returned. We head to the office and meet the tutors who have just come back from a doctor's appointment. We go to the office and get a couple of card games, UNO and SkipBo which we bringback and play UNO with the 2 boys who are not in school. Interacting with play with them brings us much closer together, laughing, winning and losing. Back to the usual routine of setting up for lunch and cleanup afterwards. We then help the boys with schoolwork which consists mostly of covering books and drawing pictures for them.

The boys started flocking around, I wished we had more time for play. Barbara and Jane went on an excursion to a mall to purchase flowers for planting, which will get done tomorrow.

The day is over and back to the hostel with Juanita's husband, Nerrit, driving. When we arrive back I realize I still have the key to the dish cabinet at CDLN....boy am I in trouble!!! We meet Myrian who puts us into cabs to go for dinner. Jessica, Myrian and I got in the second cab and arrived at the restaurant first. This is the place we pass every day on our way home and wondered what it was...Brujas de Cachiche. We waited and waited for the other cab to come and started wondering what happened and thinking about all different scenarios. They finally arrived after the taxi driver asked for directions twice! We enjoyed a great meal and conversation but it was a little sad knowing it would be our last dinner together since Jessica is leaving at end of CDLN day tomorrow. She will be sorely missed - her bright smile and youthful energy. Safe trip home Jessica and we will meet again!

- June