Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Long special day...

Quote for the day: from Johanna’s book

“Travel as far as you can just so long as you can go, and as often as you can go. Time is getting short. There’s a lot of the world to see and you have to go as often as you can make it.”

Our second day at PPA is our first full day. After breakfast and our morning meeting we loaded the now working Global bus with our donations and excitedly headed off to our first morning sessions. Johanna was a little nervous and almost switched jobs before starting our ‘special kids’ project to toddlers but we explained that since she was the only one in our twosome… ‘being she and I’ that spoke Spanish that we needed her in this spot. She was tremendously surprised and so was I with how well Franklin and Ricardo worked with us. They tried very hard and were very well behaved and loving and I was very thankful to have Johanna and her Spanish with me. Our morning was a success. Betty had her first morning in toddlers and except for a few bites I think she enjoyed it, though she made an early escape and we brought her back for more toddler time (just kidding). Phil was happy at work gardening and I believe they were very happy to have his help.

After another great lunch, I spent some time with the ten 3 year olds I was with yesterday who all seem to love to say the name ‘Veronica.’ It must be different to them. When they went for their snack, I used the opportunity to visit the kinder girls I know from January who had moved up in March. After another hair dressing, puzzle making, lego building, and hugging session I was exhausted. Phil looked pretty exhausted from teaching twenty-one boys with Johanna to speak English all afternoon with some assistance from a helper but they both agree it was a huge success. We stayed late today to observe an awards ceremony for the boys. It was beautiful. The awards were given to the best behaved boys from each area… seeing the pride and excitement in the kids faces made me realize again what a great job the brothers and sisters do here at PPA with the kids. Then we went to ‘sweet dreams’ to tuck in six 3 year olds
and read bed time stories. It was a very long special day for us all.

Veronica Montemarano