Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 17th, 2010

QUOTE OF THE DAY:“You can get everything you want in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Zig Ziglar

While the quote above is by a businessman writer of self help books, it also reminds me of our experiences the past 9 days and how they affect our need for purpose, or to be useful. This evening as we were all hovering about Jessica as she waited for her taxi like sad, wistful Mothers sending their first child off to school, I shared an old well known story.

It’s the one about a man who is walking along an ocean beach throwing stranded starfish back into the sea after a storm. Another man approached him and said “what are you doing? There are thousands of starfish washed up on this shore. How can you possibly think you are going to make a difference here?” The first man replied as he saved another Starfish, “It makes a difference to this one”.

Today our morning began with a visit to the school next door to CDLN which is run by the same Catholic Order. We were invited by the Teacher into an English class where only English is spoken. She wanted to give the children a chance to hear native speakers from the USA. Shyly they asked us a couple of questions after we introduced ourselves. Jane broke the ice telling them she was a teacher of 1st and 2nd graders since she then she did not have to look up at bigger children. They laughed at her joke and the rest of us introduced ourselves and named our professions. We all agreed this was where Jane should have been and she thought she would be working. As we left that classroom to tour the facility we were greeted excitedly by the boys from our families running up to us on the playground as recess began. Some offered to share their snacks. Many hugs and smiles later we left to go to our assigned Family homes.

However, if Jane had worked at the school who would have covered all those books so well and planted such a pretty garden for Hermana Guillemina and Hermano Jose today with a contribution from GV funds. She happily did get to do some one on one teaching this pm as she coached 2 boys, Manuel and Rodriquez through the Alphabet in English writing a word and using the drawing skills the Peruvian children are led to use so much more then their American counterparts. Many children have become quite accomplished at drawing and copying though.

Sara kindly came over to help Jane and Guillemina with the planting task after Sara and June finished washing down the book shelves at their home. June got a hug and smile from her Tutor Hermana Pedro, a breakthrough, after she very humbly confessed to taking the dish closet key with her yesterday. They did get to interact joyfully with the boys today playing Uno.

Barbara almost completed painting her wall but ran out of paint and time as it was the hour to set up for lunch. She and Hermana Guillemina and her daughter Diana exchanged addresses as they hurriedly left to visit their family in Arequipa right before lunch. Barbara talked with Hermana Jose about what age appropriate games he thinks would best suit the boys and the boys had chosen the same games. After the “chicos” finished washing their shirts, their chores and homework with the visiting High Schoolers from yet another school, Barbara had a huddle of boys around her learning to take turns solving the physics problem game on the iPhone.

Jessica folded laundry today at her home this her last day. That evening before she left for home she shared her insight for the day. When she is at work she would love it if someone would just answer the phone while she is doing piled up administrative tasks. So just folding the laundry may be helping relieve someone of an annoying task to free them to recharge or do something else. That was as important to them as someone answering the phone for her. It mattered to them. There is no question the boys like Jessica very much and will miss her warm smiles and hugs. Not one of us sets a table like she did and all that wholesome energy, intelligence and those great smiles and hugs will be remembered by us as well. She was very moved by the farewell at her home and was quite pensive and sad as expected it seemed, on the drive back to the Hostal.

Today seemed to be a time of poignant, but oddly heartwarming goodbyes with people for whom I have developed a genuine affection that seems to have been returned 2 fold. We discuss knowing that while we will miss the boys, each other, our hosts, our kind Hostal folks and our leader Myrian, we feel our hearts have been moved by this experience. These thoughts fused with our fatigue made for a bit more quiet ride today as Neerit drove us to our home away from home.

Travel Mercies to Jessica, you are sorely missed. For the rest of us we have 2 more days to throw a few more starfish back into the nourishing waters. Go Team Camaraderie!

- Barbara