Thursday, October 8, 2009

"To dispose a soul to action we must upset its equilibrium "

The words I have selected for the daily thought were penned by Eric Hoffer. The words seem particularly fitting for my 6th trip with Global Volunteers. Regardless of how many countries I have the good fortune to visit and participate in volunter work there is always the feeling of being slighty off balance and at times, dazed. I do not mind feeling that way for a time as I am seeing a part of my world with renewed interest in my surroundings. Travel and involvement with different people whose lives are so different from my own is invigorating even if it is not always easy to look around.

The team of 5 wonderful and comical women is a delight. We are all working hard at whatever needs doing. There is no end to what can be accomplished here. Our team leader, Edith, is a pepper pot of boundless energy , smart ideas, and genuine concern for us and the children and staff at Cidudad de Los Ñinos.

On a more personal note, it gives me much pleasure to have my sister, Pat here as a part of this adventure. She is a significant asset. It is nice to see another side of her! I hope she will seriously consider another volunteer trip in the future as she has so much to offer......

The children - what is there for me to write? They make me smile and break my heart all at the same time. I so want things to get better for each and every one. They are in the hands of people who are laboring so hard on their behalf and that is a comfort. The hermanasm in particular, have a huge job. I sense they really do understand how what they do every day for the children impacts the future .

I am happy I have come to Peru and hope my efforts will make a difference. All the work is to the good.

By Gail