Thursday, May 29, 2008

Journal-Emily Claypool
Today I helped with the labor project, which consisted of transporting rocks or "piedras" from one pile to the other. This was a little unsettling until we knew that a truck was going to pick the rocks up. It is always helpful to know the purpose of your work. It was also helpful to know from the meeting with Mili and Molly that we are part of a chain of volunteers which makes our seemingly futile efforts into something much more significant. In the afternoon most of the volunteers played soccer with the siblings because the younger children had gone to the circus. The interaction between all of the volunteers and the children from P.P.A. was quite beautiful. Every volunteer made sure to boost the confidence of each kid by playing at an extremely lower level. At first one of the siblings by the name of Astrid was very reluctant to play, however, by the end of the game she was laughing and even scoring goals. The most touching interaction was between Manuel, a thirteen year old boy, and my dad. Although Manuel tends to be somewhat distant since he is older and going through what all teenagers go through at that age I can sense that he really, really appreciates the attention and affection from my father. Only subtly will Manuel hold my dad's arm or even push my dad as a way of connecting with him. Although pushing may seem like an action of defiance I can sense that it is Manuel's unique way of displaying how much he cares for my dad.

Thoughts of the Day-Sara Aeikens
Six things for Aging Vitally with Joy:
1) Positive Attitude
2) Sense of Humor
3) Purpose in Life
4) Risking outside of your Comfort Zone (safely)
5) Spiritual anchor
6) Appreciating others and self more for Being in addition to Doing as you age vitally
"How you do Anything is
How you do Everything!"